Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Smell of Cigarettes Scared Her
Places exist in their own world separate from our experience of them.  They exist in the past as well as the present.  Memory is inherently spatial and spatial is inherently temporal, allowing a memory to live in the present as well as stretch back into the past.

Identity is affirmed and disrupted through our memories.  Certain memories carry more weight in forming who we are than others.  Transitional memories are ambiguous;  when the experience of the past has yet to be reconciled with a unity of place and memory.  A tension exists between how we remember a place cognitively and how our bodies remember a place.  When an experience has a profound impact on the senses it becomes a memory of our body and may or may not leave a cognitive imprint.  When this happens our body displaces the Self.  We don't know who we are anymore.

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