Monday, August 24, 2009

how i spent my 10 days of summer

Perhaps I was a bit too optimistic about having ten days to get down to work. I had hoped to be more productive than I was. Just couldn't get into the creative space needed to take photographs. I did use the time to put together the materials for 2 new card orders resulting from July's New York Gift Show. For those who remember pink livingroom press, I have taken that website off line for the time being. Seemed too confusing to have 2 different websites and a blog. Confusing for me anyway! If you want to see cards let me know.

This morning I am taking 3 photographs and holiday photo greeting cards over to the Champlain Valley Fair, for the fine art show. I know it seems pretty low brow, however, tons of people see your work and it is a fun, local exhibition opportunity. You can sell your work too. Although not as cool as the South End Art Hop, exhibiting at The Fair is free to artists (as opposed to Art Hop's $45) and there is some really nice work there to see. Fair link -

I have been taking steps forward on the Range series. Serendipidity! The mother of one of my summer photo camp students works in the community relations office for the Vermont National Guard. I had a chance to talk to her and she gave me the name of the Captain who would be the one to start with in getting permission to take photos on the Range. I followed up and spoke with the Captain. She wasn't very encouraging. She told me it was a busy time for the Guards because they were being deployed in November. I told her I could wait until after that to begin, that there was a lot of other things I could work on in the meantime. I am not sure she felt the project was that worthwhile - from their standpoint anyway. She did offer to talk to someone higher up and get back to me. If I can't start on the inside of the Range I can still work on the outside.

At the last Creative Muse meeting I talked about my interest in doing a project about the Range and was given several great contact names from my area. These are people that have, over the years, been outspoken on issues relating to the Range. Thanks to Jackie and Betsy, long time Underhill/Jericho folks.

Take a look at the links I have added to this blog. I have added links to other artists I admire - photographer Mary Johnson, painter Karen Dawson and web designer Dave Wild. Keep your eye on this spot - I will add more as time goes by.

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